Export of goods

Ukraine has long established itself as one of the leading agrarian countries in the world. Exports of agricultural goods are critical to the country’s economy, providing a significant share of foreign exchange earnings and creating jobs in the agricultural sector. In this article, we will consider the main trends in the export of agricultural goods from Ukraine, the challenges faced by the industry, and the prospects for development.

Importance of agricultural export for Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of agricultural products in the world, occupying leading positions in the supply of grain, oil crops, as well as meat and dairy products. According to the data, the export of agricultural products makes up about 40% of the total export of Ukraine, which makes the agricultural sector a key player in the world market. It is also an important source of income for the country, especially in times of political and economic instability.

Main export goods

1. Cereal crops: Ukraine is one of the largestundefined world exporters of wheat, corn and barley. Every year, the country supplies millions of tons of grain to international markets, which is used for food and animal feed.

2. Oil crops and oil: Sunflower oil is one of the most important export products of Ukraine, the country ranks first in the world in terms of its production and export. Soybean and rapeseed are also exported in significant volumes.

3. Meat and dairy products: Although the share of meat and dairy products in exports is smaller than that of grain and oil crops, Ukraine is gradually increasing its exports of these products, especially to the markets of Asia and Africa.

4. Fruits, vegetables and honey: Ukrainian fruits, vegetables and honey also find their buyers abroad. These products are gaining popularity due to their high quality and naturalness.

Main sales markets

Ukrainian agricultural products are exported to more than 150 countries. The main sales markets are:

1. European Union: After signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, undefined the share of export of agricultural products to the EU has increased significantly. European countries are the main buyers of Ukrainian wheat, corn, oil and other products.

2. Asia: Asian countries, in particular China, India and Southeast Asian countries, are among the largest importers of Ukrainian grain and oil crops. The demand for food in these countries is increasing due to increasing population and improved living standards.

3. Africa: African countries are also important partners of Ukraine in agricultural exports. They buy Ukrainian grain, oil and meat to meet the domestic demand for food.

4. The Middle East: The countries of the Middle East, especially Turkey and Egypt, are traditionally large importers of Ukrainian wheat and corn.

Challenges and obstacles

1. Logistics and infrastructure: One of the main challenges for exports is insufficiently developed infrastructure, in particular railway and port transport. This can lead to delays in the delivery of products and increased costs undefined logistics

2. Price Fluctuations in World Markets: Agricultural commodity prices often fluctuate significantly, which can affect export earnings. Changes in the world economy, weather conditions, and other factors can lead to sharp changes in product prices.

3. Tariff and non-tariff barriers: Ukrainian exporters face various tariff and non-tariff barriers, including customs restrictions, quotas and product quality requirements. This makes it difficult to enter some markets and requires additional efforts to comply with international standards.

4. Competition: Ukrainian agricultural products face tough competition on international markets. This especially applies to grain and oil crops, where Ukraine competes with such giants as the USA, Brazil and Russia.

Development prospects

1. Expansion of sales markets: Ukraine continues to look for new sales markets for its products. The development of trade relations with the countries of Africa, South America and Asia opens new ones undefined opportunities for exporters.

2. Innovations and modernization: Investments in innovative technologies and modernization of production will help increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian products on the world market. This applies both to the technologies of soil treatment and crop cultivation, as well as to the processing of agricultural products.

3. Improvement of logistics: The development of transport infrastructure, in particular railway and port transport, will reduce logistics costs and speed up the delivery of products to export markets.

4. Development of organic agriculture: The demand for organic products in the world is growing, and Ukraine has the potential to become one of the leading suppliers of organic agricultural products.


The export of agricultural goods is an important factor in the economic development of Ukraine. Despite numerous challenges, the country has significant potential for increasing export volumes and expanding the geography of supplies. Considering the growing demand for food in the world, Ukraine undefined can become a key player in the international agricultural market, ensuring food security for many countries and stimulating its own economic development. undefined

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